How to Recognise Your Emotional Red Flags
An emotional red flag is a warning sign or indicator that something in your emotional state, behavior, or thought patterns may require attention. These signals often suggest you're experiencing distress, discomfort, or unhealthy emotional responses that could lead to bigger issues if not addressed. Emotional red flags serve as cues for self-awareness and an opportunity to reflect on what’s happening inside your mind. Let’s find out the characteristics of emotional red flags and ways to recognize those in your behaviors.
Key Characteristics of Emotional Red Flags
Sudden Emotional Changes
Sudden emotional changes refer to rapid or unexpected shifts in a person’s emotional state. These changes can happen quickly, often without clear reasons, and may involve moving from one emotion to another, such as feeling overwhelmed, irritable, or sad without a clear reason.
These emotional fluctuations can be mild or intense and may occur due to various factors, including stress, anxiety, hormonal changes, mental health conditions, trauma, sleep deprivation, certain medications, etc.
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Recurrent Negative Thought Patterns
Recurrent negative thought patterns refer to repetitive, often automatic, and persistent thoughts that focus on pessimistic or self-critical ideas. These patterns can be distressing and are typically negative, leading to feelings of sadness, anxiety, or hopelessness. They often become habitual, meaning the person regularly experiences them without actively trying to and can affect mental well-being and behavior. Common types of recurrent negative thought patterns include:
- Constant Self-criticism: Harshly judging oneself, often engaging in self-blame or feelings of inadequacy.- Overthinking- Catastrophizing: Expecting the worst possible outcome.- Overgeneralization: Making broad, sweeping conclusions based on a single event or piece of evidence.- Black-and-white Thinking: Viewing situations in extremes, with no middle ground or shades of gray.- Negative Mental Filtering: Focusing only on the negative aspects of a situation and ignoring any positive ones.- Personalization: Blaming oneself for things outside of one’s control, or assuming responsibility for others’ actions or feelings.- Should Statements: Having rigid, unrealistic expectations about oneself or others, often leads to feelings of guilt or frustration when they aren't met.- Emotional Reasoning: Believing that negative emotions reflect objective reality.- Discounting the Positive: Downplaying or dismissing any positive feedback or accomplishments.- Mind Reading: Believing you know what others are thinking, often assuming they have negative thoughts about you.
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Avoidance Behaviors
Avoidance behavior refers to actions or strategies people use to prevent facing situations, tasks, or thoughts that make them feel anxious, uncomfortable, or stressed. This behavior is a coping mechanism that temporarily alleviates discomfort but can reinforce negative feelings or create long-term problems.
Essentially, avoidance serves as a way to escape or avoid an unpleasant emotional state, but it doesn't resolve the underlying issue. Over time, avoidance can become a habitual response, which can increase the severity of the problems it was meant to avoid.
Uncharacteristic Reactions
Uncharacteristic reactions refer to responses or behaviors that are unusual, unexpected, or not typical of how a person usually behaves or reacts in a particular situation, like overreacting to minor issues or withdrawing completely from social interactions. These reactions often differ from an individual’s usual patterns of behavior, emotional responses, or coping mechanisms.
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Uncharacteristic reactions can be triggered by various factors, including stress, trauma, illness, or emotional disturbances, and may represent a deviation from someone's normal ways of thinking, feeling, or acting.
Recognizing these signs allows you to pause, reflect, and take action to manage your emotions before they escalate into more significant problems.
Ways to Recognise Your Emotional Red Flags
Recognizing your emotional red flags is an essential step in maintaining emotional well-being and healthy relationships. Here’s a guide to help you identify them:
Track Repetitive Thoughts
Are you replaying the same negative or traumatic past experiences inside your mind again and again? Look for recurring negative thought patterns, such as Self-criticism, Catastrophizing, Blaming others, feeling victimized, etc.
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Monitor Changes in Behavior
Look into your actions. Notice when you start behaving differently, for example avoiding people or situations, overeating or undereating, losing motivation for tasks or hobbies you usually enjoy, etc.
Reflect on Past Experiences
Think about situations where you felt emotionally overwhelmed like extreme anger, panicking, grief, anxiety, joy, happiness, numbness, etc. over minor issues. What were the signs leading up to those overreacting or overwhelming moments?
Notice Emotional Outbursts
Reflect on moments when your emotions feel overwhelming, leading to sudden anger or irritability, crying unexpectedly, feeling numb or shutting down, etc.
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Identify Triggers
Analyze your emotional outbursts to find the triggers. Try to recognize situations or interactions that consistently cause negative emotions inside your mind, such as certain people or environments, specific words or tones of voice, high-pressure situations, etc.
Keep a Journal
Write down your thoughts, feelings, and reactions. Over time, patterns may emerge, making it easier to pinpoint what sets off your emotional red flags.
You can maintain a paper or digital journal based on your preference. Nowadays, diverse free and paid journaling apps are found on Android and iOS.
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Ask for Feedback
Sometimes, those close to you may notice red flags you don’t. Ask trusted friends or family members if they observe any changes in your mood or behavior. It will help you recognize your mental issues before they get worse.
Track Physical Symptoms of Emotions
Emotions often trigger physical reactions. Notice if you experience: Increased heart rate, Tightness in the chest, Clenched fists or jaw, Feeling drained or restless, etc. These symptoms can indicate heightened emotional states like anger, anxiety, or fear.
To cope with the physical symptoms linked to emotions, consider strategies such as meditation, yoga, regular exercise, mindfulness, therapy, etc.
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Emotional red flags are early warning signs that indicate you may be headed toward emotional distress or unhealthy behaviors. These signals often manifest in patterns of thought, feelings, or actions. Recognizing emotional red flags, you can understand the triggers and reasons for your sudden emotional outbursts, negative thought patterns, avoidance behavior, uncharacteristic attitudes, etc. Understanding the link between emotions and physical symptoms can help you better manage both mental and physical health.
However, identifying your emotional red flags isn’t about self-judgment but about understanding yourself better. Treat yourself with kindness as you work through your emotions. By becoming more attuned to your emotional red flags, you can take proactive steps to manage them and maintain emotional balance. Overall, this process can help you move toward the path of healing through mental health support, counseling, self-compassion, etc.
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1 week ago
Smart Money-Saving Tips for 2025: How To Build Financial Security
With rising inflation driving up the cost of everyday necessities, managing regular expenses can feel overwhelming, let alone saving for the future. Yet, building a financial safety net is more crucial than ever. In 2025, saving money demands a smarter approach—streamlining expenses, boosting income, and maximizing financial efficiency. Discover actionable strategies to safeguard your finances and thrive in the face of economic challenges.
Smart Money Strategies for 2025
Here are some practical steps to help you save more in the coming year.
Set Attainable Financial Goals
Make sure your financial resolutions don't fade away after the initial months of the new year. Setting smart goals can keep your financial resolutions fresh, strong, and versatile throughout the year.
Defining short-term savings targets can help you to build an emergency fund. On the other hand, long-term savings targets can energize you to run the race for fulfilling your big dreams like buying an apartment, studying abroad, or making a retirement fund.
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Instead of burdening yourself with strict frugal behavior, it would be wise to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound financial objectives to save money.
Review Expenditure
Generally, not all products or services you pay for are essential, some are less necessary, and few are luxury. Tracking your spending behaviour is an effective trick to set realistic saving targets. Don’t do calculations in your head. Write down the costs on paper.
Utilizing a smart financial app or personal finance spreadsheets, one can easily identify one’s spending patterns.
Control Expenses
After reviewing your spending behaviour, you can easily understand where to retrench. For instance, saving money doesn’t mean you have to eat less and suffer from malnutrition; rather, it means cut costs on dinners outside that can be replaced by homemade meals.
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In the same way, you can be thrifty about your wardrobe. For example, caring for winter clothes can save your money from buying new shawls and sweaters every year.
Nowadays, people tend to spend on digital products every month. However, cancelling unnecessary subscriptions reduces your expenses. Services you don’t use regularly should also be considered for discontinuation to save money.
While shopping for groceries, try to shop for a month instead of a week, it can let you enjoy some discounts and cashback. Compare prices to find a nearby grocery shop, super shop, or market where you can find goods and products at reasonable prices. Growing vegetables on the rooftop or your balcony can also save you some money on groceries.
What’s more, don’t forget to negotiate for lower rates on products and services.
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Make A Budget
Without a fixed weekly or monthly budget, it is hard to control costs in diverse sectors like grocery, clothing, travel, etc. Those who have spouses, children, elderly family members, or dependents need to consider all kinds of expenses while preparing the budget.
While creating a budget for a month or week, you can implement the 50/30/20 rule which means allocate 50% for needs, 30% for wants, and 20% for savings and debt repayment.
Grow Your Earnings
Savings can be easier if you can boost your income. To increase earnings, service holders can look for additional income sources such as freelancing, tutoring, online business, etc.
Besides, you can learn new skills for better career opportunities or promotions. Nowadays, diverse international platforms and reputed universities are offering free and paid online courses.
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Furthermore, you can rent out unused assets, like a room or a car.
Automate Savings
Even when setting clear financial objectives and budgets, you may forget to put money into your savings accounts for a number of reasons. To avoid this issue, you can opt for automatic transfer of funds to a high-yield savings account like DPS. Many reputed banks in Bangladesh offer such profitable DPS schemes that will automatically transfer a certain amount of money from your salary account to your DPS account each month.
Minimize Loans & Debts
Avoid taking on loans or debts unless necessary. The banks lure people to take credit cards and personal loans. Uncontrolled credit card spending can trap you in huge debts. To avoid this, you can follow your budget strictly and pay through cash.
While taking personal loans, look for banks with lower interest rates and flexible repayment options. Avoid taking a new loan besides repaying your previous loan. To avoid loans, it would be wise if you can build savings for rainy days.
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Monitor and Adjust Regularly
With time, your necessities, earnings, and spending behavior will change. In some months, you may fail to control expenditures due to unforeseen situations. Therefore it is necessary to review your budget and financial goals monthly. Adjust strategies based on life changes or new priorities.
And, don’t forget to celebrate milestones to stay motivated.
Savings help you to be financially stable and independent. Not to mention, during hard times, like medical emergencies or unemployment periods, savings can give you financial protection and mental strength. However, saving money is a habit that requires determination and sacrifice. By implementing the above-mentioned strategies, you can significantly increase your savings in 2025 while building a stronger financial foundation.
Read more: Top Strategies to Prepare for 2025: Start the New Year with Confidence and Purpose
2 weeks ago
Thailand's sea nomads strive to preserve their vanishing oceanic heritage
When Hook was a child, he started his days by jumping off the boat that his family lived on and into the ocean. By age 3, he could already swim and dive in shallow waters. His home was a kabang, a boat, that his family sailed in Thailand’s southern waters. The ocean was his backyard.
Now Hook, whose full name is Suriyan Klathale, lives on land like the rest of his community, a people known as the Moken.
The community, indigenous people from Thailand and Myanmar, came to worldwide attention for its members’ understanding of waves when the Indian Ocean tsunami struck in December 2004, killing more than 200,000 people. The few tourists who happened to be on the islands inhabited by the Moken survived because locals knew, when they saw the water recede, that people needed to get to higher ground.
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Today, this once free-sailing people has been grounded by powerful forces of change.
The Moken are one of the various tribal groups and indigenous communities not formally recognized by the Thai government. For years, activists from these communities have pushed for formal recognition with a bill that would help them hold on to traditions.
But as recently as October, the latest draft of this proposed bill, called the Protection and Promotion of Ethnic Groups’ Way of Life, was tabled by Parliament. The bill would legally guarantee these communities’ basic rights, such as health care, education and land, as well as government support to preserve their ethnic identities.
For the Moken, the kabang and their way of living on the ocean are something they hope the law could help preserve. The wooden boat, with a distinctive curve that juts out from its bow and a pavilion set in the middle, is central to the Moken’s identity. “It’s like a lifetime of a person, of a family,” Hook said. “In the past, we lived and died on that boat.”
Today, though, almost no one lives on a boat. Narumon Arunotai, an associate professor at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok who has worked with the Moken and other indigenous communities for decades, said the shift toward permanent dwelling on land had already started more than 40 years ago.
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It was a gradual shift, driven both by stricter border controls as well as the inability to get the wood necessary to build the kabangs. Further, the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004 destroyed many of the boats. Other communities known as sea nomads have also changed to dwelling on land.
The Moken are scattered across an archipelago of some 800 islands off the coast of Myanmar and Thailand. In the days when they lived on boats, Moken stayed on land only during the monsoon season, which started around May. They’d stay on land until the winds shifted, usually around December, and then return to the sea. For food, they fished and foraged.
Many of the older generation were born on boats and sailed regularly amongst the islands.
“We could move freely without having to worry about the Myanmar government or the Thai government,” said Tawan Klathale, Hook’s older brother, who was born on a boat and is better known by his nickname Ngui. All Moken in Thailand use the surname Klathale, given to the community by one of Thailand’s former queens.
Freedoms began to constrict, and by the time he and Hook were teenagers, they no longer lived on a boat full-time. Moken started settling in the Surin Islands, off the Thai coast, where they had always stayed seasonally. Some came from Myanmar to Thailand, looking for jobs and safety from pirates.
The Surin Islands meanwhile had become a national park in Thailand in 1981, meaning the trees were now protected by law.
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To make a kabang, one needs a good strong tree, at least 1 meter (3 feet) wide and 10 meters (33 feet) tall. The trunk must be straight and be free of defects. Over the course of months, men would hollow out the trunk and carve it into a boat’s hull, while also using fire to make the wood pliable.
Ngui and other members of an informal group called Moken Pa Ti’ao, concerned they were losing the knowledge of boat-building, said they approached the park now and then across the years to get a tree to build a boat. They were refused years ago by the chief of Mu Ko Surin National Park, and haven't asked since.
Today, the village in Surin only has one kabang, built by Tat, an elder, and used mostly to ferry tourists and take children out on day trips. Hook, who lives on the Thai mainland, also has a kabang built with funding from a private donor from Norway after a filmmaker made a documentary about his journey to make one such boat in 2014. But his kabang is built with planks of wood, rather than a single hollowed-out tree.
Aside from the boat building, Tat and Wilasinee Klathale, a teacher on the island, also take village children out on the boats to teach them about the ocean as well as about music and dance. They are among the few keen to remember the traditions.
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Today, young Moken are more worried about their livelihoods and finding jobs. Most only make money during Thailand’s peak tourist season when the national park is open to visitors, from November to April, and have to live on that money for the rest of the year, by either working for the park or on boats ferrying tourists.
Boyen Klathale, a young Moken man, wasn’t able to find a job this year during the peak season, and he didn’t want to leave behind his family to find work on the mainland.
The future holds some hope. In 2024, the Mu Ko Surin National Park appointed a new chief, Kriengkrai Pohcharoen. In a shift, he said he was open to collaborating with the Moken on a kabang — as long as it was a tree that fell over on its own, and on increasing their income.
“I want them to have a good quality of life," he said.
The Moken are realistic about their permanent switch to land. These days, most prefer it. But some still remember the old ways — and an aquamarine bay filled with handmade kabangs.
“The world is changing and that’s the way it is, if you ask me,” Ngui said. “I think everything is bound to be lost at some point, but I just want it to stay as long as possible.”
3 weeks ago
Top Strategies to Prepare for 2025: Start the New Year with Confidence and Purpose
As 2024 winds down, the arrival of 2025 offers a fresh slate to set new goals, embrace change, and build momentum in both personal and professional endeavors. Whether you’re planning to level up your career, focus on health, or strengthen relationships, the new year is a perfect opportunity to realign and recharge. Here are actionable tips to help you start 2025 with clarity, motivation, and a renewed sense of purpose.
Ways to Prepare for the New Year
Reflect on Successes
Before preparing for the new year, look back on the small to big accomplishments in the passing year of 2024. Feeling content for successes in your personal life, academic, or professional career will boost your confidence and encourage you to start 2025 with determination.
Review Unfulfilled Goals and Challenges
Take time to look at the resolutions and goals of 2024. It is quite normal to have unfulfilled dreams and uncherished desires this year. Try to recognize shortcomings in efforts and identify challenges. This can prevent you from making similar mistakes. Thus, you can overcome the passing year’s challenges and set attainable goals for the year ahead.
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Start Gratitude Journaling
In the coming year, you can start the habit of journaling. Nowadays, many free Android and iOS apps are available for online journaling. Those are simple to use. You can also maintain a paper diary for this purpose.
You can write down moments of happiness and gratitude due to achievements in your personal life, academics, or professional career. Any memorable incident, such as an exciting traveling experience, that occurred in the passing year can also be mentioned in the journal. A grateful mind will help you start the new year with an optimistic mindset.
Set Attainable Goals
New Year's resolutions often remain unfulfilled because people tend to set big, hard-to-achieve, overwhelming, and sometimes unrealistic goals.
To avoid this, consider what you want to accomplish in your personal, academic, and professional life in 2025. Now, break down big goals into smaller, achievable steps or objectives. Focus on mental health, physical health, career, relationships, learning, etc.
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Depending on specific goals, the objectives may involve actions like yoga, meditation, seeking therapy, reducing stress, joining a gym, fostering better work-life balance, learning new skills, aiming for a promotion or scholarship, pursuing new opportunities, etc.
Declutter Physical and Digital Spaces
A clean and tidy environment in your living and workspace can help you create a fresh start for the New Year.
You can schedule time to clean different rooms and areas of your home. The free spaces, empty walls, and cleaned areas can be used for diverse purposes, like adding handy furniture or simply doing artistic decoration.
Decluttering your wardrobe is also necessary to separate old and unused clothes and accessories. You can send those for donations or resell.
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Removing unwanted gadgets and documents can give you scope to decorate your office or workspace smartly. Furthermore, digital decluttering like cleaning up your email inbox, updating old software, and backing up necessary files can make the screens and interfaces of your smartphone, laptop, and computer safer, more user-friendly, and more organized.
Set Financial Plan Skillfully
Review your finances for the passing year of 2024. Check the inventories of your earnings, expenditures, and savings. Try to find the sectors of overspending so that you can avoid wasting money on the same things in 2025. It would be wise to set a budget and plan for any upcoming expenses. Nowadays, many financial management apps are available on Google Play and iOS platforms that can help you manage finances in everyday life.
Moreover, look for new possibilities of additional income opportunities and more savings in the coming year. Setting achievable and organised financial goals can help you increase your bank credits at the end of the year.
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1 month ago
The benefits of a four-day workweek according to a champion of the trend
Companies exploring the option of letting employees work four days a week hope to reduce job burnout and retain talent seeking a better work-life balance, according to the chief executive of an organization that promotes the idea.
The trend is gaining traction in Australia and Europe, says Dale Whelehan, CEO of 4 Day Week Global, which coaches companies through the month-long process of shortening their employees’ work hours. Japan launched a campaign in August encouraging employers to trim work schedules to four days.
American companies haven’t adopted four-day weeks as broadly, but that could change. Nearly a third of U.S. CEOs polled by accounting firm KPMG in 2024 said they are exploring alternative work schedules such as a four-day or four and a half-day workweek.
The Associated Press spoke with Whelehan about the reasons why companies might want to consider the change. His comments have been edited for length and clarity.
Q: Why should organizations switch to a four-day workweek?
A: The bigger question is, why shouldn’t they? There’s a lot of evidence to suggest we need to do something fundamentally different in the way we work. We have issues of burnout. We have a recruitment and retention crisis in many industries. We have increased stress within our workforce. leading to health issues, issues with work-life balance, work-family conflict. We have people sitting in cars for long periods, contributing to a climate crisis. We have certain parts of the population that are able to work longer hours and therefore be rewarded for that, creating further inequity within our societies. Lastly, we look at the implications that stress actually has on long-term health. We know that it’s linked to issues like cardiovascular disease, to cancer, to diabetes. So stress is something not to be taken lightly, and it’s only rising in our world of work.
Q: Why is the 40-hour workweek so common?
A: To understand where we are now, let’s take a step back into pre-industrial times. My granddad was a farmer, worked seven days a week and was required on-site all the time. It was a lot of long hours, but also he had a lot of autonomy.
By the time my dad entered the workforce, he was a technician in a mechanical role. And he was expected to produce products on a large scale. As a result he wasn’t given the rewards from farming, but was given a salary. That change from my grandfather’s time to my dad’s brought about the birth of a discipline known as management. And management, led by Frederick Taylor, was looking at the relationship between fatigue and performance. A lot of scientific studies were done to try to understand that relationship, leading to the need for a five-day week as opposed to a six-day week. By the time I entered into the workforce, we no longer had a very physical, laborious workforce. It's highly cognitive and highly emotional.
The fundamental physiological difference is that our brain as a muscle can’t withstand the same level of hours of work as our muscles in our body might be able to. So it’s that mismatch between an outdated work structure of 40 hours, rooted in very physical labor, and what is now a highly cognitive workforce.
Q: How can companies increase revenue while employees work fewer hours?
A: The reduction of working time brings about productivity gains by people having naturally more time to rest and recover, allowing them to come back into a new week more engaged and well-rested. That’s one way in which you see productivity gains. The second is the fundamental shift that organizations undergo while transitioning to a four-day week.
When we work with organizations, we use what’s called a 100-80-100 principle. So 100% pay for 80% time for 100% output. We ask organizations to design their trials in that sort of philosophy: How can you keep your business at the same level or improve while working less? The fundamental change we see is, let’s move away from thinking about productivity as how much time it takes to get something done, versus focusing on what outcomes we know drive businesses forward.
Q: How does a four-day work week support equity?
A: Disproportionately high amounts of part-time workers are female. As a result, women typically take a reduction in pay. That’s despite the fact that, based on the evidence that we’ve seen in trials, those part-time workers are producing the same output as their five-day-week counterparts.
In four-day week trials, everyone embarks on the journey. So we see men taking on greater levels of responsibilities in household or parenting responsibilities.
The alternative situation is women take part-time work, reduce their pay. Men have to work longer hours at a higher salaries and more stressful jobs in order to make up the deficit. ... It just creates this vicious cycle.
Q: What kinds of work could potentially be dropped to increase productivity?
A: Meetings. We are addicted to meetings. It’s just gotten worse and worse since the pandemic. I think a lot of that comes from a culture of indecisiveness. There’s a sense of not wanting to make decisions, and therefore delaying the process or involving many people in the process so that everyone has a responsibility, and thus no one has responsibility. And that is not good when it comes to the greater issue of productivity.
3 months ago
How to Avoid Electric or Gas-related Accidents during Flood
As floodwaters rise, water’s conductivity heightens the threat of electric shocks, and it can also compromise gas lines, leading to hazardous leaks and explosions. These situations demand effective and prompt preventive measures to protect flood victims. Let’s explore necessary actions for immediate safety and to prevent unforeseen accidents during floods.
Safety Measures to Prevent Electric and Gas Hazards During Floods
Turn Off Power and Gas Supply Immediately
When flooding occurs, it is imperative to promptly deactivate the gas and main power supplies to mitigate serious accidents. Water's conductive properties significantly increase the risk of shocks and fires when it interacts with cables, wires, and equipment. To prevent these dangers, locate and turn off the gas valves and main power switch as soon as flooding begins.
For those unfamiliar with the process, using insulated tools to handle switches and valves is crucial to avoid direct contact with water. If turning off these systems presents any challenge, evacuate the area and contact professionals for assistance. Immediate action in this regard is vital to safeguarding against electrical and gas-related accidents.
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Avoid Contact with Electrical Devices
Unplugging all electric devices and appliances is vital amidst flooding to avert significant risks. Exposure to water can cause short circuits in equipment, increasing the likelihood of electric shocks and fires. It is critical to ensure that devices are disconnected from sources if they are wet or if there is standing water in the vicinity.
In situations where unplugging electric connections or devices is not feasible, a safe distance from any equipment and avoiding its use should be maintained. This preventive measure helps minimize the potential adversities and ensures safety during and after flooding.
Moving to an Elevated, Safe Location
Waterlogged areas pose significant threats, including potential electric shocks from submerged sources and damage to gas lines. To avoid contact with water that may be electrically charged or contain dangerous materials, relocating to elevated areas is essential.
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Establishing a safe refuge in a higher location reduces exposure to immediate dangers. It also enhances overall safety by keeping away from potential accidents such as downed power lines or compromised infrastructure. It is important to assess the surroundings carefully and select a secure, elevated spot to ensure maximum protection from flood-related risks.
4 months ago
How to Ensure Women's Safety in Educational Institutions
Creating a safe environment for women in educational settings is essential for fostering their growth and learning. Whether in schools, colleges, or university campuses, ensuring the safety of female students and teachers is crucial for their well-being and success, particularly in Bangladesh, where cultural and social challenges persist. This requires comprehensive measures to protect girls and women from harassment, violence, and discrimination.
Ways to Ensure Female Students’ and Teachers’ Safety in the Educational Setting
Gender Sensitization Programs
Promoting awareness and education on gender equality is crucial for ensuring women's safety in educational settings. This can be achieved by integrating gender studies into the curriculum and conducting comprehensive gender sensitisation programs for all students, teachers, and staff.
These programs should challenge traditional gender stereotypes, promote respect, and foster a culture of equality. Additionally, they should address important issues such as consent, healthy relationships, and bystander intervention. In Bangladesh, where deeply rooted gender roles often persist, such initiatives can play a key role in creating a safer and more inclusive environment.
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Implementing Strict Anti-Harassment Policies
Implementing and enforcing strict anti-harassment policies are essential for ensuring safety. These policies should clearly define all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment and bullying, and outline the consequences.
All students and staff must be aware of these rules and the procedures for reporting incidents. Regular workshops and training sessions should be conducted to raise awareness and ensure that everyone understands the policy. A zero-tolerance approach is vital to protect women and deter potential offenders.
Safe Physical Environment
Prioritising physical safety in schools and universities is crucial for protecting female students and teachers. Educational institutions should ensure that all areas, such as pathways, car parks, and secluded spots, are well-lit and equipped with CCTV surveillance.
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Installing emergency alarms and conducting regular security audits can help identify and address potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, providing separate restrooms and common areas for women is essential. These measures deter criminal activity and contribute to a safer and more secure campus environment.
Establishing Safe Reporting Mechanisms
Establishing safe and confidential reporting mechanisms is essential for addressing harassment and violence against women in educational settings. Institutions should create clear, accessible channels that allow female students and teachers to report incidents without fear of retaliation.
This could include anonymous reporting systems and dedicated hotlines that offer immediate assistance and support. By ensuring that these mechanisms are well-publicised and trusted, institutions can encourage more women to come forward, leading to quicker resolutions and a safer environment for all.
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Providing Self-Defence Training for Female Students and Teachers
Self-defense training effectively empowers women, equipping them with the skills and confidence to protect themselves in dangerous situations. Educational institutions should offer regular self-defense classes focusing on practical, easy-to-learn techniques.
In Bangladesh, where women may encounter various threats, such training can be a crucial tool for ensuring personal safety. By providing these classes, institutions enhance the physical safety of female students and teachers and also contribute to their sense of security and empowerment.
Counselling and Support Services
Providing gender-sensitive counselling services is vital for supporting female students and teachers who face harassment, abuse, or mental health challenges. These services should be staffed by trained professionals who understand the unique needs of women and can offer tailored support and guidance.
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Access to such counselling is crucial, as it provides emotional support and can connect victims to legal and medical assistance. By offering these resources, educational institutions help ensure that women receive the comprehensive care they need to navigate difficult situations safely.
Promoting a Culture of Respect and Inclusivity
Fostering a culture of respect and inclusivity is essential for ensuring women's safety in educational settings. This requires promoting values of mutual respect among students and staff, celebrating diversity, and encouraging open dialogue about gender issues. When these principles are deeply embedded in the institution's culture, the likelihood of harassment decreases significantly.
By creating an environment where everyone feels valued and heard, educational institutions can significantly enhance the safety and well-being of female students and teachers which contributes to a more positive and supportive atmosphere.
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Engaging Parents and Guardians in Safety Efforts
Involving parents and guardians is crucial for ensuring the safety of female students. Educational institutions should engage with parents through regular meetings, workshops, and open communication channels to inform them about safety measures and encourage their active involvement.
Schools and universities can organise parent-teacher meetings to discuss safety concerns, share information, and collaborate on initiatives. Parental awareness and support are vital for reinforcing safety practices both inside and outside of the educational environment.
Regular Safety Audits and Inspections
Regular safety audits and inspections are vital for maintaining a secure campus environment. These assessments should evaluate factors such as lighting, the presence of security personnel, and potential hazards. By collecting data on incidents of harassment and violence, institutions can identify areas needing improvement and develop effective prevention strategies.
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Prompt corrective action based on audit findings is crucial to address any safety concerns. Continuous monitoring and evaluation of safety measures ensure that the campus remains a safe space for female students and teachers.
Encouraging Peer Support Networks
Peer support networks are a powerful tool for ensuring women's safety on campus, offering emotional support, safety tips, and assistance during critical times. Establishing student safety committees that include both male and female students can further promote a culture of safety and accountability.
These committees can identify safety concerns, implement preventive measures, and provide support to victims. Encouraging the formation of such groups within educational institutions fosters a sense of community and solidarity, enhancing the overall safety and well-being of female students and teachers.
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Collaboration with Law Enforcement
Collaborating with local law enforcement is vital for improving safety in educational settings. Establishing robust relationships with police ensures a swift response during emergencies and acts as a deterrent to potential offenders. Regular visits from law enforcement officers can reassure both students and staff, creating a safer environment.
Additionally, strengthening legal frameworks to combat harassment, violence, and discrimination is essential. Effective enforcement of these laws, in partnership with local law enforcement, further enhances campus security and safeguards female students and teachers.
Monitoring Online Harassment and Cyber Safety
With the surge in digital communication, online harassment has become a pressing issue for women in educational settings. Institutions must tackle this by enforcing strict policies on digital conduct and monitoring online interactions.
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Providing comprehensive training on cyber safety can equip both students and staff to handle online threats effectively. Additionally, offering dedicated resources and support for those targeted by cyberbullying ensures that victims receive the help they need. By addressing online harassment proactively, educational institutions can foster a safer and more inclusive environment for all.
Closing Lines
Ensuring women's safety in educational settings is a multifaceted challenge that requires a collective effort. By implementing the strategies outlined above, academic institutions in Bangladesh can create a safer and more supportive environment for female students and teachers. Continuous improvement in safety measures, driven by awareness, collaboration, and respect, is essential to fostering a learning environment where women can thrive.
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4 months ago
Generation Z: Some Interesting Facts about Gen Z
Every generation brings something new, and Generation Z is no different. Born roughly between 1997 and 2012, this generation has grown up in a world vastly different from their predecessors. Gen Z is shaping the future in unprecedented ways, from their unique upbringing to their forward-thinking attitudes. Understanding this generation is crucial for businesses, educators, and society as a whole. So, let's dive into some interesting facts about Gen Z and what makes them tick.
What is Generation Z?
Generation Z (often shortened to Gen Z), also known as Zoomers, is the generation that follows Millennials and comes before Generation Alpha. Born between the late 1990s and the early 2010s, they are the children of younger Baby Boomers or Generation X. As true digital natives, Gen Z has grown up with the internet and digital technology as integral parts of daily life.
This generation is known for its tech-savviness, multiculturalism, and strong commitment to social and environmental causes. They value authenticity, inclusivity, and diversity, often using social media to express their views and advocate for change. Gen Z's entrepreneurial spirit and preference for meaningful, flexible work are already influencing culture, business, and society.
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Some Interesting Facts about Generation Z
Technological Natives
Generation Z is the first generation to grow up with smartphones, social media, and the internet as everyday tools. They are adept at navigating digital platforms. This tech-savviness allows them to access information quickly and stay connected with people worldwide.
Social media is central to their lives, influencing their communication styles, entertainment preferences, and even shopping habits. As digital natives, they are reshaping how we interact with technology and consume content.
Diversity and Inclusion
Generation Z is the most diverse generation in history, both in terms of ethnicity and cultural background. They place a high value on inclusivity, actively supporting causes related to equality, and gender rights issues.
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This generation embraces different cultures and is more likely to have a diverse group of friends. Their commitment to diversity extends to the brands they support, preferring companies that promote equality and social responsibility. Gen Z's inclusive mindset is driving change across various sectors.
Education and Learning
Gen Z values education but approaches it differently than previous generations. They prefer flexible, tech-driven learning environments, often supplementing traditional education with online courses and tutorials.
Skill-based learning and real-world experience are particularly important to them, as they seek practical knowledge that can be directly applied in the workforce. Lifelong learning is also a priority for Gen Z, who continuously look for ways to upskill and adapt to a rapidly changing job market.
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Work and Career
Unlike their predecessors, Generation Z prioritises meaningful work and work-life balance over traditional career paths. They are entrepreneurial, with many aspiring to start their businesses or pursue side hustles.
Flexible work environments that offer autonomy and align with their values are particularly appealing to them. Gen Z is also highly motivated by social responsibility, often choosing employers that have a positive impact on society. Their unique approach to work is reshaping workplace culture and expectations.
5 months ago
Peace and harmony dialogue at EMK Centre sheds spotlight on developing youth talent
Speakers at a recent dialogue opined that the nation’s youth needs to develop skills to become successful entrepreneurs and establish youth leadership in society.
They also demanded the concerned authorities ensure youth representation in all areas of the society, including the national parliament.
These were the key talking points at the first ever 'Peace and Harmony Dialogue' which was recently held at EMK Centre in the capital’s Gulshan, organized by the Films for Peace Foundation under the Youth Engagement in Democracy project, in collaboration with the Manusher Jonno Foundation.
Parvez Siddiqui, Managing Director of Films for Peace Foundation delivered the welcome speech at the event and spoke about the Youth Engagement in Democracy project.
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In two sessions, the challenges faced by young people in becoming entrepreneurs came up in the dialogue. Besides, the guests gave several suggestions and recommendations to face those challenges.
6 months ago
Keeping children safe on social media: What parents should know to protect their kids
At what age should kids be on social media? Should they be on it at all? If they aren't, will they be social pariahs? Should parents monitor their conversations? Do parental controls work?
Navigating social media as a parent — not to mention a child — is not easy. Using social media platforms is still the default for most American teenagers, with the Pew Research Center reporting that 58% of teens are daily users of TikTok, including 17% who describe their TikTok use as almost constant. About half of teens use Snapchat and Instagram daily, with near-constant use at 14% and 8% for each, respectively.
But parents — and even some teens themselves — are growing increasingly concerned about the effects of social media use on young people. Lawmakers have taken notice and have held multiple congressional hearings on child online safety. But even with apparent bipartisan unity, making laws and regulating companies takes time. So far, no regulation has passed.
What are parents — and teens — supposed to do in the meantime? Here are some tips on staying safe, communicating and setting limits on social media — for kids as well as their parents.
There’s already, technically, a rule that prohibits kids under 13 from using platforms that advertise to them without parental consent: The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act that went into effect in 2000, before today’s teenagers were even born.
The goal was to protect kids’ online privacy by requiring websites and online services to disclose clear privacy policies and get parents’ consent before gathering personal information on their kids, among other things. To comply, social media companies have generally banned kids under 13 from signing up for their services.
But times have changed, and online privacy is no longer the only concern when it comes to kids being online. There’s bullying, harassment, the risk of developing eating disorders, suicidal thoughts or worse.
For years, there has been a push among parents, educators and tech experts to wait to give children phones — and access to social media — until they are older, such as the “Wait Until 8th” pledge that has parents sign a pledge not to give their kids a smartphone until the 8th grade, or about age 13 or 14. Some wait even later, like 16 or 17.
But neither social media companies nor the government have done anything concrete to increase the age limit.
“There is not necessarily a magical age,” said Christine Elgersma, a social media expert at the nonprofit Common Sense Media. But, she added, “13 is probably not the best age for kids to get on social media.”
The laws currently being proposed include blanket bans on the under-13 set when it comes to social media. The problem? There’s no easy way to verify a person’s age when they sign up for apps and online services. And the apps popular with teens today were created for adults first. Companies have added some safeguards over the years, Elgersma noted, but these are piecemeal changes, not fundamental rethinks of the services.
“Developers need to start building apps with kids in mind,” she said.
Some tech executives, celebrities such as Jennifer Garner and parents from all walks of life have resorted to banning their kids from social media altogether. While the decision is a personal one that depends on each child and parent, some experts say this could lead to isolating kids, who could be left out of activities and discussions with friends that take place on social media or chat services.
Another hurdle — kids who have never been on social media may find themselves ill-equipped to navigate the platforms when they are suddenly allowed free rein the day they turn 18.
A more realistic and effective approach to social media, experts say, is a slow, deliberate onboarding that gives children the tools and information they need to navigate a world in which places like TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat are almost impossible to escape.
“You cannot just expect that the kids will jump into the world of social media, learn how to swim on their own,” said Natalie Bazarova, a professor of communications and director of the Cornell Social Media Lab. “They need to have instruction.”
Start early, earlier than you think. Elgersma suggests that parents go through their own social media feeds with their children before they are old enough to be online and have open discussions on what they see. How would your child handle a situation where a friend of a friend asks them to send a photo? Or if they see an article that makes them so angry they just want to share it right away?
For older kids, Elgersma says to approach them with curiosity and interest, "asking about what their friends are doing or just not asking direct questions like, ‘What are you doing on Instagram?’ but rather, ‘Hey, I heard this influencer is really popular.'” And even if your kid rolled their eyes it could be a window.”
Don’t say things like “Turn that thing off!” when your kid has been scrolling for a long time, says Jean Rogers, the director of the nonprofit Fairplay’s Screen Time Action Network.
“That’s not respectful,” Rogers said. “It doesn’t respect that they have a whole life and a whole world in that device.”
Instead, Rogers suggests asking them questions about what they do on their phone, and see what your child is willing to share.
Kids are also likely to respond to parents and educators “pulling back the curtains” on social media and the sometimes insidious tools companies use to keep people online and engaged, Elgersma said. Watch a documentary like “The Social Dilemma” that explores algorithms, dark patterns and dopamine feedback cycles of social media. Or read up with them how Facebook and TikTok make money.
“Kids love to be in the know about these things, and it will give them a sense of power,” she said.
Rogers says most parents have success with taking their kids’ phones overnight to limit their scrolling. Occasionally kids might try to sneak the phone back, but it’s a strategy that tends to work because kids need a break from the screen.
“They need to an excuse with their peers to not be on their phone at night,” Rogers said. “They can blame their parents.”
Parents may need their own limits on phone use. Rogers said it’s helpful to explain what you are doing when you do have a phone in hand around your child so they understand you are not aimlessly scrolling through sites like Instagram. Tell your child that you’re checking work email, looking up a recipe for dinner or paying a bill so they understand you’re not on there just for fun. Then tell them when you plan to put the phone down.
Social media platforms that cater to children have added an ever-growing array of parental controls as they face increasing scrutiny over child safety. For instance, Meta unveiled parental supervision tools last year that lets parents set time limits, see who their kid follows or is followed by, and allows them to track how much time the minor spends on Instagram. It does not let parents see message content.
But as with similar tools on other platforms such as TikTok, the feature is optional, and both kids and parents have to agree to use it. In order to nudge kids toward agreeing to set up the controls, Instagram sends a notice to teens after they block someone, encouraging them to let their parents “supervise” their account. The idea is to grab kids’ attention when they might be more open to parental guidance.
By making the feature optional, Meta says it is trying to “balance teen safety and autonomy” as well as prompt conversations between parents and their children.
Such features can be useful for families in which parents are already involved in their child’s online life and activities. Experts say that’s not the reality for many people.
U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy said last year it’s unfair to expect parents to manage what their children do with rapidly evolving technology that “fundamentally changes how their kids think about themselves, how they build friendships, how they experience the world — and technology, by the way, that prior generations never had to manage."
Putting all of that on the shoulders of parents, he said, "is just simply not fair.”
6 months ago