No headway in taking Dhaka’s internet, satellite TV overhead cables underground
Despite repeated efforts by the Power Division, no progress has been made in bringing the distressing overhead internet and satellite TV cables underground although power utilities are implementing their project in this regard.
It has even not possible to make the operators of internet and satellite TV cables agreed to join the ongoing underground cabling projects of the power utility bodies.
According to official sources, Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC) has been implementing its first project in the Dhanmondi area to take its all overhead transmission lines underground.
“But despite repeated calls by the DPDC, no internet or TV cable operator agreed to join the project. They were even offered free of cost to join the scheme. But no response was received,” a top official of the Power Division told UNB.
In such a frustrating situation, recently the Power Division reconstituted its previous committee and also convened a meeting to find a solution to it. But finally the meeting was not held for unknown reasons.
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Member secretary of the reconstituted committee and director of the Power Cell Md. Salim Ullah Khan informed that the power Division’s efforts will continue.
“But the other departments and agencies are not interested in cooperating with the Power Division’s efforts in this regard,” he told UNB.
Sources at the Power Division blamed the Nationwide Telecommunication Transmission Network (NTTN) and internet service providers (ISPs) for the horrible situation of the overhead cables.
After a number of meetings, the previous committee of the Power Division found it difficult to address the problem without their cooperation.
According to its report submitted to Power Division, Summit Communications Limited (SCL) and Fiber@Home (FAH) have been working as NTTN in the city and they laid underground cables for operating their main internet network in the city while some 1734 legal and some 5,000 illegal internet service providing (ISP) companies have been operating as local ones to provide internet connections to homes and offices through overhead cables.
As per the system, the ISPs are supposed to take connections from SCL and FAH to take internet service to homes and offices from the main network. Recently, Bahon Limited, another NTTN company, also joined the network.
But NTTN companies alleged that the ISPs are not taking connections from Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) or Access Point (AP) installed by NTTN as it will cost them financially, says the report.
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On the other hand, the report reveals, the IPS companies alleged that they do not prefer taking connections from LDP or AP as they do not get required and instant solutions from the NTTN companies if any problem takes place in any internet service connection.
Besides, the NTTN are charging excessively in providing connections to the ISP companies from their LDP and AP, the report mentions quoting the ISP companies.
Under the circumstances, the ISP companies are hanging overhead cables indiscriminately and giving connections to homes and offices without following any rule or regulation, the report says, adding that only the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) can step in and resolve the conflict.
Finally, the committee adopted an 11-point recommendation to have a solution and take all overhead cables underground through coordination with electricity distribution companies —DPDC and Desco.
The committee found that the haphazardly hanged internet, security and satellite TV cables are not only posing a great threat to the power distribution system, but also creating a major obstacle to the government’s move for the beautification of the capital.
Rashed Amin Biduyt, an official of the Bahon Limited, said they are not joining the DPDC underground cabling project due to technical reasons as it will not fulfill its requirements to facilitate connections to ISPN.
"But we're laying our own cables underground with the permission of the South City Corporation," he said.
Read more: Installation of underground cables completed in Hatirjheel area
10 months ago
DESCO Job Circular: 122 people will be recruited in 3 category positions
Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (DESCO) will recruit circular 122 people in three category positions on full temporary basis under outsourcing in Gulshan zone for the next three years.
Interested candidates should apply online.
2023 DESCO Recruitment Cicruclar (Temporary Posts)
1. Post Name: Security Inspector
No of Posts: 2
Qualification: Minimum HSC or equivalent pass. Height minimum 5 feet 4 inches. Weight minimum 55 kg and maximum as per BMI. Must be in good health and the final selected candidate will have to pass the medical examination conducted by the Retainer Doctor appointed by DESCO.
Retired minimum JCO rank officer from Army, Navy, Air Force, BGB, Police/Prison Guards and Ansar forces or with minimum three years working experience as officer in reputed security service provider. Previous service record should be good and certificate from appropriate authority should be submitted in this regard. Security guards must be qualified to provide training and supervision. Should be proficient in driving a motorcycle and should have a driving license.
18 to 55 years (Age limit 47 years at the time of application).
Gross monthly salary is TK.27,000.
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2. Post Name: Security Guard (Male)
No of Posts: 110
Eligibility: Class VIII or equivalent pass. Height minimum 5 feet 4 inches, weight minimum 55 kg and maximum as per BMI. Must be in good health and the final selected candidate will have to pass the medical examination conducted by the Retainer Doctor appointed by DESCO. Must be proficient in writing, reading and speaking Bengali.
Age: 18 to 50 years (age limit 35 years at the time of application).
Gross monthly salary is TK.18,000.
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3. Post Name: Security Guard (Female)
No of Posts: 10
Eligibility: Class VIII or equivalent pass. Height 5 feet, weight minimum 50 kg and maximum as per BMI. Must be in good health and the final selected candidate will have to pass the medical examination conducted by the Retainer Doctor appointed by DESCO. Must be proficient in writing, reading and speaking Bengali.
18 to 50 years (age limit 35 years at the time of application).
Gross monthly salary is TK.18,000.
Also read: Job Circular: Bangladesh Police to recruit sub-inspectors
How to apply
Interested candidates have to apply by filling the 'Online Application Form' on the DESCO website ( .
Scanned photograph, signature, latest educational qualification, copy of experience certificate (if applicable) should be uploaded along with the online application form.
Instructions displayed on the DESCO website should be duly followed for filling the application form. Detailed information regarding recruitment can be found in this link ( . Before applying DESCO Outsourcing Recruitment Policy-2023 and related terms and conditions should be read carefully.
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Application fee
The application fee of Tk 500 should be paid through Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited's mobile banking service 'Rocket' following the guidelines displayed on the DESCO website.
Last date of application: June 26 2023, up to 12 midnight.
1 year ago
Dhaka alone experiencing over 600 MW of load shedding during daytime
Dhaka has alone been experiencing more than 600 MW of load shedding during daytime when demand for electricity remains relatively low than nighttime.
According to official sources, like the previous few days the country has been seeing over 2000 MW of power shortage.
As a result, consumers across the country are facing power outages for 6 to 7 hours in different spells during the day.
Also Read: After record, country’s power generation again drops below 15,000 MW
“After the evening, the situation will be deteriorating with the increase in demand,” said a top official of the Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) preferring anonymity.
He attributed the gas shortage for the severe situation in power supply.
“Actually, we have been getting lower supply of gas that forced us to keep at least 25 generation units across the country shut,” he said.
Also Read: Load shedding in Sylhet: PDB engineer receives threat; GD filed
He, however, said that if the BPDB receives normal supply of gas, it can produce 6,500 MW of electricity from its gas-fired plants.
“But now we’re producing 4667 MW and about 1,833 MW of electricity is not available for gas shortage,” he noted.
Meanwhile, managing director Dhaka Electric Supply Company (Desco) Md. Kausar Ameer Ali said that the area under the organization was experiencing a load shedding of 308 MW in the daytime.
Read more: Gap between power generation, supply widening: Nationwide load shedding over 1500 MW
“The Desco is receiving about 800 MW against a demand of 1111 MW,” he told UNB.
Desco is entrusted with the responsibility to distribute electricity in Dhaka city’s north, north-west and eastern parts while Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC) is responsible for power supply in the south, southeast and central part of Dhaka city.
DPDC Managing director Bikash Dewan said that area under DPDC has been experiencing a shortage of about 340 MW which might be up after the evening.
Also Read:Load shedding in Sylhet: PDB engineer receives threat; GD filed
He said DPDC has been resorting to load shedding of more than 340 MW to manage a demand of more than 1600 MW as it has been receiving 1250 MW.
However, consumers are complaining that they have to experience a huge load shedding.
In some areas, people are allegedly experiencing power outages just in every alternative hour.
Also Read: Load shedding amid intense heat wave makes life miserable in Khulna
“Power cuts are frequent and we have been experiencing load shedding in every alternative hour,” said Abdus Selim, a resident in the city’s Niketan area.
The same experience was shared by Nazim Uddin who lives in Moghbazar area.
State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid on Sunday said that it will take two days to improve the power and gas supply situation in the country.
Also Read: Loadshedding becomes insufferable: Locals vandalise Palli Bidyut office in Feni
He said that after the suspension of gas supply from two floating LNG terminals, one terminal left its place for safe location while another one remained stationed at its own location.
The suspension caused a huge shortage in gas supply that triggered the current level of load shedding across the country.
“The current disruption in power and gas supply will improve as one of the two LNG terminals will resume supply within two days,” he told reporters at his office in the ministry.
Also Read: Record heat driving record power generation, even as loadshedding increases
“But I hope, gas supply will resume from one terminal within two days which will improve the situation with the supply of 400 mmcfd gas,” he said, adding that it will take 10-12 days to resume gas supply from the other LNG terminal.
1 year ago
Cyclone Sitrang: Many areas in Dhaka, Narayanganj plunge into darkness following disruption in power supply
Many areas in Dhaka and Narayanganj cities plunged into darkness following a huge disruption in power supply that authorities blamed on the approaching Cyclone Sitrang.
According to officials of the Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC) and Desco, the two entities which control the distribution network in Dhaka and Narayanganj, following a fault in Sympur, Ulan and Maniknagar grid line, many areas experienced blackouts for hours.
“Due to the grid-disruption, power supply went off in Dhanmondi, Sher-e-Banglanagar, Kakrail, and Kajla in Dhaka city and also some areas in Narayanganj city," Bikash Dewan, managing director of DPDC, told UNB.
Read Cyclone Sitrang weakens into depression
He said many areas also experienced blackouts due to the collapse of trees on the power distribution lines due to cyclone Sitrang.
Some 32 teams of DPDC have been working to restore supply in the disrupted areas, he added.
He also said that power supply came down to 700 MW from 1,400 MW following the disruption in some grid lines in DPDC areas.
As a result, consumers have been experiencing loadshedding despite relatively cool weather, he said.
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Desco managing director Kausar Ameer Ali noted that power supply was disrupted in Uttara, Gulshan and Mirpur areas.
“Mainly falling of trees and flying construction materials and other objects over the distribution lines led to the disruption in Desco areas,” he noted.
A good number of Desco teams are working to fix the problems and restore power supply, he added, saying consumers in his area have been experiencing loadshedding since evening due to lower supply against the demand.
Read 110 evacuated from isolated char in Bhola ahead of Sitrang landfall
2 years ago
Some Dhaka areas to have up to 8hr load shedding today
Residents of some Dhaka areas will experience power cuts for up to eight hours today (October 17, 2022). Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (DESCO) has published the new schedule for load shedding on Monday.
DESCO areas include Uttara, Gulshan, Baridhara, Bashundhara, Banani, Badda, Uttarkhan, Dakkhinkhan, Agargaon, Mirpur, Kafrul, Kalyanpur, Khilkhet, Pallabi, Rupnagar and Tongi.
Consumers under Dhaka Power Supply Company Limited (DPDC) will see power cuts for 4-6 hours.
Read: PGCB names 2 suspended officials for power grid failure
The load shedding schedules can be found on the DPDC and Desco websites.
On October 11, State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid urged people to be patient during the ongoing power crisis that has triggered 5-6 hour long daily load shedding in and outside Dhaka city.
He said the people have to wait until November for power supply situation to improve.
Read: Power supply in Dhaka: Until Ghorashal working in full capacity, situation won’t improve
Prime Minister’s Energy Advisor Dr Tawfiq-e-Elahi Chowdhury yesterday said there is no immediate solution to the ongoing load shedding in Dhaka, as the government has reduced import of primary fuel to conserve foreign currency reserve.
2 years ago
Despite lower electricity demand on weekend, Dhaka residents suffer
During the weekend on Friday and Saturday when consumers expect an uninterrupted power supply against a lower electricity demand they had no luck this time.
Power cuts on Friday were like a usual working day when demand for electricity soars as offices and businesses operate.
Official figures show, though the situation has improved to a certain level following the restoration of power supply across the country after a 7-hour national grid failure on October 4, still the power generation could not reach the previous level.
Read Saving electricity: Bangladesh Bank issues notice to close evening banking
According to officials, Dhaka city and adjoining areas experienced more than 500 MW of power shortages daily against a demand of 2500 MW on Friday and Saturday.
Officials of both Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC) and Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (Desco), which distribute electricity to Dhaka city and surrounding areas admitted that the power supply situation have deteriorated in recent days and now they have to resort to load shedding for more than 3 hours a day.
However, residents in both Desco and DPDC areas alleged that they have been experiencing power cuts for 3-6 hours a day.
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" We have been experiencing more than 5 hours of load shedding on a number of occasions”, said Abdur Rahman Jahangir, a resident of Rampura area.
Similar allegations are being received from the residents of other areas under both DPDC and Desco.
DPDC is managing power supply with 300 MW of less electricity in the daytime and the outage level might go up further in the night, said Bikash Dewan, managing director of the company.
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DPDC is responsible for power distribution to the central and west and south-west part of Dhaka city and parts of Narayanganj.
“We’ve to struggle with the relatively lower supply from the BPDB for DPDC areas where most key point installations (KPIs) including official residences of the President and the Prime Minister, cantonments and most public hospitals are located”, he told UNB.
DPDC received 1,100 MW at 7 am on Saturday against a demand of 1400 MW while the demand remains between 1650 and 1700 MW on a working day, he noted. The situation was almost similar on Friday as well.
Read National grid failure: Power Division forms 7-member probe body
Md. Kausar Ameer Ali, managing director of Desco, which distributes power to the north and east parts of Dhaka city and Tongi industrial hub, said that the distribution entity is receiving 750 MW of electricity against a demand for 932 with a load shedding of 182 MW.
"In the evening, the extent of load shedding might increase in Desco areas”, he told UNB.
A top official of the Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB), quoting official data, said that the country’s highest power generation was 12,889 MW on Friday against a relatively lower demand of 13,900 MW while load shedding was recorded to be 1011 MW.
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According to him, who preferred not to be named, the highest demand forecast for Saturday is 13,600 MW while generation forecast is 12,435 MW and load shedding is expected to be 1,165 MW across the country.
The country’s total power generation capacity is about 25,500 MW. But as part of austerity measures, the government kept all the diesel-fired plants closed while a good number of plants remained out of operation for a shortage in gas supply.
The official also admitted that the official figures sometimes do not rightly reflect the actual deficit in power supply as the figure is made based on the generation amount recorded at the power stations’ end.
Read National power grid failure: Blackout across Bangladesh
“But when the electricity reaches consumers’ end, automatically 10-13 percent of electricity is lost in the system itself as there are their own consumptions by the power stations, substations and transmission systems”, he said.
So, people usually get 10-13 percent less electricity than the figure shows, he said.
Meanwhile, officials of the BPDB informed that the still Ghorashal power station was not able to resume generation in full swing.
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The power station is generating a total 210 MW against a capacity of 700 MW as still 6 generation units, out of total 7, could not come back into generation, he said adding, the situation will improve in Dhaka when the remaining 6 units, having about a capacity of 500 MW, could add to the generation.
2 years ago
Dhaka dwellers to experience 3-hour load shedding today
Consumers in the areas under Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (Desco) and most of the areas under Dhaka Power Supply Company Limited (DPDC) will experience power cuts for three hours on Sunday.
DPDC and Desco published the new schedule for load shedding on Sunday.
The Desco areas include Uttara, Gulshan, Baridhara, Bashundhara, Banani, Badda, Uttara khan, Dakkhin Khan, Agagaon, Mirpur, Kafrul, Kalayanpur, Khilkhet, Pallabi, Rupnagar and Tongi.
Read: Hamid looking to send load shedding back to museum by August-end
However, consumers in some areas under DPDC will see power cuts for two hours.
According to DPDC, load shedding may occur more or less depending on the situation.
Power cuts will occur from 10am to 10pm in and around the capital under DPDC as per the government's decision to save electricity. But power cuts may occur in areas under Desco beyond this schedule, it said.
The load shedding schedules can be found on the DPDC and Desco websites. They aim to help electricity users check their load shedding schedules to ascertain during which times the power will be off in their respective areas.
On August 11, the government announced that the industries across the country will remain closed one day a week under a fresh area-based load shedding plan to minimise consumption of both natural gas and electricity.
On July 20, it decided to reduce the use of electricity by 25 per cent at all its offices as part of its austerity measures.
Daily one hour area-based load-shedding started across Bangladesh from July 19 in a bid to tackle the ongoing energy crisis.
2 years ago
DPDC, Desco publish Thursday's load shedding schedules
Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC) and Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (Desco) have published their schedules of possible area-based power cuts for Thursday.
Power cuts will occur from 10am to 10pm in and around the capital as per the government's decision to save electricity.
The load shedding schedules can be found on the DPDC and Desco websites. They aim to help electricity users check their load shedding schedules to ascertain during which times the power will be off in their respective areas.
Also read: Electricity consumption to be cut by 25 % at govt offices
2 years ago
DPDC, Desco publish schedules of Wednesday's load shedding
Dhaka Power Distribution Company Limited (DPDC) and Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (Desco) have published their respective schedules of possible area-wise load shedding for Wednesday (July 20).
They will carry out load shedding from 10 am to 10 pm in and around the capital Dhaka as per the government’s decision to save electricity.
Read: Country experiences 1915 MW load shedding on Tuesday
As per the decision of the government, they published their respective schedules on their websites to make the consumers aware of the possible power cuts.
DPDC Load Shedding Schedule:
Desco Load Shedding Schedule:
2 years ago
DESCO Job Circular: Dhaka Electric Supply Company will recruit 81 people in 10 posts
Dhaka Electric Supply Company Limited (DESCO) will recruit 81 people in 10 posts. You have to apply online by March 7.
DESCO Job Circular Details
1. Assistant Engineer (Technical) - 16 Salary: TK. 51,000
2. Assistant Manager (Admin) -3. Salary: TK.51,000
3. Assistant Manager (Finance) - 4 Salary: TK. 51,000
4. Sub-Assistant Engineer (Technical) - 23 Salary: TK. 39,000.
5. Junior Assistant Manager (Admin) -4. Salary: TK. 39,000.
6. Junior Assistant Manager (Finance) - 6 Salary: TK. 39,000.
7. Substation attendants.– 7 Salary: TK. 24,000
8. Assistant Complaint Supervisor-2. Salary: TK. 24,000.
9. Assistant Linemen- 12 Salary: TK. 23,000.
10. Special Guard-2. Salary: TK. 16,000.
READ: INGO Job Circular: Recruitment in UNDP
DESCO Job Application fee
TK. 1,500 for posts 1 to 6 and TK. 1,000 for the application for other posts.
Application Procedure of DESCO JOB
Interested candidates can visit here to know the recruitment information and application procedure.
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2 years ago